Day 2 - 20.09.22
Today, we visited the Mersin Science Village in the morning, where we saw many things such as a machine to read the cardiac rhythm, a camera to measure a person’s height, an inflatable that worked as a planetary and much more. At lunch, we ate at the "Happy Moons Marine" , a restaurant at Mersin's marine. Some of us went to Starbucks to have a dessert.
In the afternoon, the Lithuanian, Macedonian and Portuguese schools presented the games that they had prepared.
At night, we had dinner at the "Taş Mahal" restaurant, where we also danced to the sound of a lot of traditional music from different countries.
Tomás Amorim
Dia 2 - 20.09.22
Hoje acordamos cheios de energia e muito ansiosos para visitar o centro "Mersin Science Village" e fizemos várias experiências de física e química com a nossa guia.
Ao almoço, comemos uma comida deliciosa e passeamos na marina.
À tarde, vimos os jogos preparados por os nossos colegas da Lituânia e da Macedónia.
O jantar foi muito divertido, pois dançamos danças típicas dos vários países.
Ana Campos