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Let’s Read in English

Halloween Reading Session at the Primary School

This year to celebrate Halloween students from 7ºA read the book: The Crayons Trick or Treat to 3rd grade students at the neighbouring primary school (Escola Básica de Nova). The crayons are getting ready for trick or treating. But what happens when they don’t know what to say when knocking on someone’s door.

Just like the crayons, the 3rd year students learnt what to say when it is Halloween by listening to the read-aloud.

Well, with a little practice and a lot of enthusiasm everyone got to say: “Trick or Treat!”


No âmbito projeto Let’s Read in English, alguns alunos do 7º A leram o livro The Crayons Trick or Treat aos alunos do 3º ano da Escola Básica de Nova.

Tal como os lápis de cera, os alunos da professora Marta Pereira, do 3º ano, aprenderam o que dizer ao bater às portas na noite de Halloween.

Com um pouco de treino e muito entusiasmo, a sessão de leitura terminou com uma doçura.

Professora Carla Seixas

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