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Virtual Travelling into English II

Christmas is made not bought

Times are hard with inflation and rising prices, so this year instead of buying your Christmas gifts, why not make your own. In the video below you can watch the story of a little boy and his father who are experiencing some financial difficulties. The little boy says: “Santa is poorly this year” which means Santa will have less gifts to give away. This video which is an ad will remind you that what makes Christmas special is who you have around you and remembering departed family members and friends.


Dada a atual situação financeira, talvez o Natal seja um pouco menos feliz. Assim sendo, talvez possamos celebrá-lo de uma forma diferente, fazendo as prendas que iremos oferecer em vez de as comprarmos. Abaixo segue um vídeo que ilustra que a felicidade depende mais do ser do que do ter.

Professora Carla Seixas

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