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Jornal Agrupamento de escolas Dr. Flávio Gonçalves
7 de fev.1 min de leitura
Bom desempenho de Inglês nas Provas de Aferição
Durante o mês de janeiro, o IAVE (Instituto de Avaliação Educativa) divulgou os resultados das Provas de Aferição aplicadas entre maio e...
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Jornal Agrupamento de escolas Dr. Flávio Gonçalves
4 de nov. de 20241 min de leitura
It’s Halloween…
Na última semana de outubro, o nosso agrupamento foi assombrado por monstros, bruxas e outras criaturas sombrias que vagueavam numa...
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Jornal Agrupamento de escolas Dr. Flávio Gonçalves
25 de out. de 20241 min de leitura
The Spooktacular World of Halloween is coming!
Hey there, little ghouls and goblins! Halloween is a spooky and super fun holiday celebrated every year on October 31st. It's a time for...
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Dept. Línguas Estrangeiras
26 de set. de 20241 min de leitura
Flávio celebrates D.E.L.
26th September is the European Day of Languages. This year the Council of Europe together with the European Commission are promoting...
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Jornal Agrupamento de escolas Dr. Flávio Gonçalves
6 de jun. de 20241 min de leitura
Crazy Reading (“leitura louca”)
Ler não precisa ser uma atividade monótona. Existem muitas maneiras criativas e interativas de explorar os textos que podem tornar essa...
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Professora Carla Seixas
17 de mai. de 20242 min de leitura
The Magic of Theatre with “The Love Show”
Yesterday, ninth-grade students from our school had the unique opportunity to attend an interactive play in English titled "The Love...
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Professoras Paula Trindade e Isabel Morim
2 de mai. de 20241 min de leitura
Sports - Healthy body, healthy mind!
As a result of the joint work of the Physical Education and English (DAC) subjects, the students of the 7th E created posters on various...
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Professora Carla Seixas
26 de abr. de 20242 min de leitura
Let’s Read in English
Celebrating International Book Day (Dia Mundial do Livro) To celebrate International Book Day some students from class A of the eighth...
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8H and 8F students
8 de abr. de 20241 min de leitura
Flávio's chefs recipes: just delicious!
As an assignment for English, the students had to write a recipe and then record it on video while they were preparing it. Watch and...
125 visualizações8 comentários

Professora Carla Seixas
24 de mar. de 20241 min de leitura
Semana da leitura
«Ghost» - Destaque para a leitura em Inglês No âmbito da Semana da Leitura, de 18 a 22 de março, o livro Ghost de Jason Reynolds esteve...
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Professora Carla Seixas
21 de mar. de 20241 min de leitura
Let’s Read in English
Easter reading session (Semana da Leitura) Yesterday, five students from class A of the eighth grade visited Eça de Queirós Secondary...
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Professora Carla Seixas
8 de dez. de 20231 min de leitura
Let’s Read in English
Christmas reading session Reading a story at Christmas time has become somewhat of a Christmas tradition at our school. Being so, some...
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Professora Carla Seixas
2 de nov. de 20231 min de leitura
Projeto: Let’s Read in English (sessão de leitura na escola primária)
Na continuidade do projeto Let's Read in English, alguns alunos do 8º A compartilharam a história do livro The Crayons Trick or Treat com...
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Teacher Carla Seixas
17 de out. de 20231 min de leitura
Let’s Read in English – Reading outdoors
Once again, this year students had the opportunity to read outdoors. Given the warm weather in late September, class A of the eighth...
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Dept. Línguas Estrangeiras
7 de out. de 20231 min de leitura
Are foreign languages important for you?
To celebrate European Day of Languages (26th September) 8th and 9th grades students recorded their opinions in English and French about...
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Professora Isabel Morim
27 de mai. de 20231 min de leitura
What a lovely week in Portugal!
5 foreign delegations came to our school to take part in the 5th meeting of the project "Creative Games and Drama in ELT" from 8-12th...
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Teacher Carla Seixas
9 de mai. de 20231 min de leitura
Virtually Travelling into English - King Charles III Coronation
King Charles III was crowned in Westminster Abbey last Saturday, 6th May. His wife, Camilla, the Queen Consort, stood alongside him and ...
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Teacher Carla Seixas
6 de mai. de 20232 min de leitura
Virtual travelling into English
Given that the King’s Coronation will be taking place tomorrow, why not bake some scones to celebrate this momentous occasion. Below, you...
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Professora Isabel Morim
29 de mar. de 20231 min de leitura
Reading is fun!
7F's students are glad to present the project " Maisie and the Dolphin", which also included 7G and 7H. It took place in the school...
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Dario Filho 7ºG
29 de mar. de 20231 min de leitura
After school activities - why taking it up?
Volleyball! I can surely say it's one of the best things I ever did. "Why?". Well, playing a sport is so good for your health. It teaches...
62 visualizações2 comentários
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